ARTIS, Scuola all’aperto e Outdoor Education

International Conference Inclusiveness in and through Museum Discourse (IMD)
Torino 19-20-21 febbraio 2020
The ARTIS project
Towards communicative and cognitive accessibility of museum discourses
The purpose of the paper is the description of the ARTIS project, an acrostic whose meaning is Accessibility, Roma Tre, technological Innovation, Sustainability. The project was born from the choice of researchers of the University of Roma Tre to bring their skills together in a new and broad sector of scientific study. The complex nature of the theme led to the creation of an interdisciplinary research group in which knowledge in the field of communication, linguistics, pedagogy, art history and archeology, architecture, social psychology are intertwined. The cultural vision of the Research Unit is based on the centrality of the person in the processes of transformation of the habitat. The focus of the project is the design, in the urban area and in the province of Rome, of inclusive cultural and landscape itineraries accessible on a communicative level for subjects of different ages and skills. The priority objective is to encourage the community’s use of this heritage, with particular regard for people who for various reasons (low degree of acculturation, limited knowledge of Italian as L2, sensory disabilities, age) would have difficulty in such reception. The intervention scenarios are not only museums but also urban and suburban areas in which archaeological sites, historical and artistic heritage and paleontological sites coexist. The paper will describe the experience gained with a kindergarten class to make accessible, on a cognitive and communicative, a paleontological site, la Polledrara di Cecanibbio, in the outskirts of Rome.
 Keywords: Inclusiveness; communicative accessibility; museum discourses
Definitivo Presentazione Franca Orletti e Sandra Chistolini 19.02.2020
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